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  • Writer's pictureUbai D. Rac

SN Mavka Farming Life Hacks

LIFE HACK 1: STEEL BODY TO AVOID RETURN TO TOWN (only available with solar)


Once your exp reach 99999998 as shown in above picture, everytime you die you’ll be given the Steel Body status. Your HP/SP will be fully recovered and defend become 99, at the cost of unable to use skill for 1 minute.

This mean you will have double lives :D


Your body will have lightning when you die and get Steel Body. This bonus also remove the SN Spirit all stats + 10 bonus. So this trick is only viable to those who have solar already because if you don’t, u need the bonus for effective farming.

But this will only happen once, and for it to happen again you need to relog. So to make your Mavka farming more convenience, everytime you die and reach Steel Body, just relog your char so you don’t have to go back to town. Bring Fly Wing to teleport during Steel Body to find safe spot before relogging.


I know it’s a hassle to relog and need to key in the @alootid commands again and again. To make your life easier, replace the emoticon hotkeys function with the commands. To open it simply press alt+M and write the @alootid commands.



So you can just press hotkeys to activate the autoloot commands.


Yeah, eat those blue herbs for SP so you won’t waste money on grape juice or potion. That’s it. But Blue Herbs are quite heavy and will make you overweight relatively fast (not that fast), so up to you either you want to stop autolooting blue herbs when you reach the weight limit or just transfer them into cart. If you choose to stop autoloot them, the command is simply “@alootid -blue_herb” (notice the minus sign instead of plus to stop autolooting). Hotkey the command for convenience.

End of guide. If you think this guide help you a lot, support me by donating to my CIMB account 7600867273 (Abu Ubaidah Amir) :D

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